Amigo, are you ready to level up your Creative Business?

With my Bloom Method, courses, and mentoring, I guide you on your journey to embrace and monetize what makes you and your offer unique, your Creative Voice.

Welcome to la School!





You have something no one else has.

You have a unique vision the world needs to discover. With the 5 steps of el Bloom Method we’ll identify that “something” you own and transform it into your trademark and competitive advantage, into a strong personal brand and a profitable creative business.

Book a discovery call



Dive into self-discovery. Identify aspects of your personality, background, passions and bonds ¡No filter!



From the ethereal to the tangible. Define the personal aspects that you want to convey with your Creative Voice and Business.



Learning from the masters. Design an initial framework of your Voice. ¡Ahora si! You're going to start getting your hands dirty!



Test, fail, learn and repeat. Implement your ideas and concepts with the philosophy of the Beta mode to develop your Voice.



Fake it until you make it! Consolidate your unique vision into the personal brand that the world is awaiting to discover.

Bloom is the guidance I wish I had when I started my solopreneur adventure 8 years ago.

It took me, at least, 4 years of work and testing to feel fully aligned with my Creative Voice and Business.

I remember the first time someone said to me, “Hey Rocío! you're dressed just like your illustrations” and I thought ¡Ostras! Could it be that I'm really projecting who I am through my work?

I won't sugarcoat it; it's a long journey of self-discovery and experimentation, seasoned with occasional moments of panic and frustration.

The good thing is, I've been through it and can help you save time, energy, and money.

Book a discovery call

For intermediate amigos

Are you seeking a mid-term business buddy to thoroughly review your Creative Business, from top to bottom? In this program, we'll work together step by step el Bloom Method and we’ll define an action plan so that during and after the program, you can continue working on your goals with a clear focus and timing.

✓ Bloom Workbook
✓ 35 Tools
✓ Over 8 hours session 1:1 (4 months)
✓ Over 4 hours session 1:1 (2 months)
✓ Review of your progress
✓ Monday to Friday message support during the mentoring period

4 months mentoring - 2.600 €
2 months mentoring -
1.300 €

Book a discovery call if you want to know if we’re a match!

For beginner amigos

Perfect for those of you who are ready to begin your Creative Voice and Business journey. With this program, you'll have access to over 5 hours of content covering el Bloom Method and its 35 Tools. You can work at your own pace and if you ever need extra assistance, you can upgrade to the VIP and have a 90-minute 1:1 session with me.

✓ Bloom Workbook
✓ 35 Tools
✓ Over 5 hours of content
✓ 90 minute session 1:1 (VIP access)

VIP access - 920 €
Regular access -
750 €

Stay tuned to Rocio Egio News, the online course is coming soon!

For advanced amigos

Do you know exactly what you want and what needs to be done, but find yourself blocked and unsure how to move forward? Let’s have a check! Get an extra boost to put your plan back into action and gain a fresh outside perspective to solve all your questions and doubts. Ideal for overcoming specific blocks and issues!

✓ 90 minute session 1:1

  • Rocio is a wonderful artist and teacher. I admire her communication skills and energetic approach. I learned plenty in her masterclass and she was very eager to respond to all our doubts. I would definitely recommend it to other aspiring artists.

    Ana Risquez - Artist

  • El curso de Rocío me ha ayudado a entender todos los elementos que componen la voz creativa y, sobre todo, a explorar la mía de forma mucho más consciente. El método BLOOM hace que este proceso sea muy ordenado y creativo a la vez, y me ha permitido entender cómo sacar partido de forma natural a mis intereses y rasgos de personalidad en mi comunicación y mis diseños. Además, con la buena energía de Rocío, te llevas un verdadero chute de motivación y alegría mirando la clase. ¡No hay otra profe como ella!

    Noe - Graphic Designer - Founder of Lunes Design and Lune School

  • Me gustó mucho cómo Rocío nos enseñó de una forma muy práctica, directa y accionable diferentes técnicas para encontrar nuestra propia voz creativa. Salí del workshop súper motivado y con un montón de ideas para empezar a aplicar en mi trabajo como diseñador gráfico. En un sector tan saturado, creo que es súper importante tener una voz única y los consejos de Rocío me están ayudando a encontrarla. Sin duda, la recomiendo un montón.

    Hugo Gómez - Graphic Designer - Founder of la Criatura Creativa and Criatura Studio

  • I am very happy I took Rocio's masterclass. She was expressive and generous with her advice throughout. It was also fun to see the other creatives on the masterclass.

    Navina Chhabria - Illustrator and author

  • I loved the format, perfect size to connect with Rocío and the audience. Rocío’s energy is contagious and I really like her recommendation to constantly curate our references and her transparency about the process. I won't be the last!

    Hadzidy - Graphic Designer

This is me! Rocío, your amiga and mentor!

Since I was a little kid, I've always wanted to be an artist. Although I followed a non-linear path, I studied architecture, traveled the world, and flirted with graphic design… Now, I'm here, fully embracing and expressing who I am through my Creative Voice.

I illustrate because I'm dyslexic; I understand images better than text.
I design beautiful objects because I love to experiment with my visual universe.
I teach all that I've learned on this journey because I also want you to free your Creative Voice and spread your Creative Business.

Nice to meet you!

Amigo, book a discovery call!
I’m looking forward to meeting you, knowing more about your Creative Business
and seeing if we’re a match!

Let’s BLOOM together!