Deliciously Japanese. A culinary illustrated guide.

¡Hola amigos!

"Deliciously Japanese" is a personal project developed during a trip to Japan in the spring of 2018.

In 2018, I went on a fantastic trip to Japan and I've been itching to go back ever since. The thing is, during that time, I was just starting my journey as a freelance illustrator. While on my trip, I wanted to cook up a project, so I decided to study and illustrate all the delicious street food I tried.

Looking for some exciting personal project to illustrate I gave it a fresh spin this summer and here is the result.

*Amigos from Japan! Just a quick heads up, I'm a big fan of your culinary culture, but I'm not an expert. So, if you spot any errors or have some insights to share, please don't hesitate to give me a shout!

Thanks for reading and have a joyful day amigo!


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Corn gratin